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STM32F407VET6 (168Mhz Arm MCUs) SID Player by Bakisha

STM32F407VET6 (168Mhz Arm MCUs) SID Player by Bakisha

I wanted to try Bakisha SID Player also with the STM32F407VET6 (previous post: STM32F401CCU6) ARM Cortex-M4 32bit MCU based Development Board which runs at frequencies up to 168MHz.

After some hardware and software changes i was able to use the SD Card support, buttons and LED on the pcb.

What i would like to do is install a TFT LCD screen compatible with this DEV Board and modify the software to display the various information that is now are sent via serial.

The MCUs that uses this DEV Board reaches a frequency of 168 Mhz and consequently i should not have problems of CPU overload taking away precious cycles times of the SID Player.

I leave you with some photos and a video.


SDCARD SDIO (Native) to SPI1 Pins:


source: github.com/Bakisha/STM32-SID-PLAYER

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