Repair Motherboard (ASSY 326298) Drean Commodore 64

Repair Motherboard (ASSY 326298) Drean Commodore 64
- Black Screen.
- Missing Video Signal.
Cause of the Missing Video Signal:
- The motherboard of this C64 to work with the PAL-N video (Argentina) has been modified. Some pcb tracks are cut off and the modulator has been replaced. There are also a few bridges to retrieve the S-VIDEO output (luma / chroma).
Video Restoration:
- I have made a bridge with a wire for recover the composite signal that has been removed (tiny blue wire).
- The cause of the black screen are 2 x MK 4564 ram in short circuit.
Photo gallery of repair:
Categories: Projects / Repairs, Today, Various
no solo el moulador es distinto, el vic tambien. salvo que sea una reforma de ntsc a pal N. en que la portadora de color es la misma,