Xilinx CPLD XC9536 replacement PLA for Commodore 64

The PLA chip (906114-01) used in the Commodore C64 is a generic 82S100 gate array with custom programming.
Its logic functions were dumped and reverse engineered by the community and are available from a variety of sources. This PLA uses the Xilinx CPLD XC9536 to emulate perfectly the PLA of the Commodore 64.
Download: Xilinx CPLD XC9536 JED C64 PLA + Eagle (2286)
source: zonadepruebas.com
xilinx, please
you are right! excuse me ;-D
I have a C64c damaged and I think this chip is malfunctioning.
My board is PCB ASSY No. 250469 / 25311 Rev.3
Where can I buy one?
hi Paulo, if you have a Commodore C64C the PLA chip is different, you can’t use this one.
Do You know where I can buy one for the version of my board?
Obrigado! ;)
The Only (and easy) way is buy a new Commodore 64C via Ebay (10$-25$)
i want know if is possible buy it please tell me ok bye thanks
Ciao Lorenzo,
Il PLA Clone per riparare il Commodore 64 (vecchio modello) e l’SX64 lo puoi trovare qui:
Do you have the Xilinx code dump for this?
Hi , i don’t have the code, but a good place to try is this:
I suspect my PLA is bad in my 250425. I get power, screen black. Is there a chance that I would fry this replacement PLA if I swap and turn it on? And, if it works, are there known issues with scene demos or games not functioning as expected?
@Chris Vasquez
The best PLA replacement is here: http://www.manosoft.it
mi piace lo stampatino nelle foto dell’articolo, è in vendita? dove/quanto/come?
Una PROM NON è una PLA!
I wonder if the speed of the xc9536 is important, pictured is the 7.5ns version, will a 5ns, 10ns or 15ns work as well?
Just tried this with a 5ns part…no go. Cartridges kind of work but are all garbled.
I’m had to use ISE iMPACT to record the .jed to an xsvf file which I then programmed to the CPLD using the Xilinx XSVF player on a Beagle Bone Black.
Could one of the authors comment on how they accounted for the timing variations of XC9000s that are available so maybe I could tweak the project to get it working on a 5ns part?
I ended up using a 15ns, seems to work fine, haven’t tried it much, I have it as a backup if I should need it.
I had no problems using the .jed file directly in ISE iMPACT and program the circuit through a cheap parallel-port adapter, well almost no problems there was a windrvr6.sys problem, TOP2004 eprom programmer needs one and ISE iMPACT needed another one – took a while to figure out.
According to tests the 7ns chip and the 15ns chip behaves the same. Here’s the resulting opinion:
“These will only work with boards 250425 and 250466 because they have built-in RC filters on CASRAM. Boards 250407 and 326298 are NO GO with these PLAs!”
I guess you need to add extra RC filters for the 250407 and 326298 boards.
The XC9536XL is pin compatible but is made differently so it can’t be programmed with the jed file for the obsolete XC9536 – need to get hold of author and have him/her build the project for the XL – and then consider the voltage difference as well.