Commodore Monitor 1960 (Boxed)
The Commodore Monitor 1960 may have been made by Daewoo (Korea) or a Taiwan company, or may be an OEMed Panasonic Panasync. The tube is made by Hitachi/Panasonic.
There has been some debate over whether it is a true multisync or a trisync monitor. Reports have been provided that indicate it can handle Super72 screen modes at about 23 kHz, and the manual says it can sync up to 38 kHz. It may be a sort of hybrid, with a wide “window” in the 15.75 kHz to 31.5 kHz range.
Download: Commodore 1960 Service Manual (1431)
Categories: Commodore Monitors, Gallery, Retro Computers and other stuff...
I got the same monitor here. I can not seem to figure out why it does not work anymore. I makes very loud bangs when powered :(
The 4000/030 I am trying to use sounds fine (like a harrier). I think it still works. Any tips for resources on how to possible get my monitor fixed would be appreciated