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LCR-T7 Multifunction Tester

LCR-T7 Multifunctional Tester

I wanted to try this cheap fucking tester on offer on Aliexpress.

I don’t have much to say, it works quite well, i tried to make some measurements of a couple of electrolytic capacitors and making the comparison between LCR-T7 and the PEAK ATLAS ESR+ (paid almost 15 times more) the measurement result it’s almost identical.

Surely the positive side of this small and fragile object that will surely stop to working one day to another :-D which allows you to measure/test a fairly vast category of components.


  • Diodes
  • Zener diodes
  • Resistors
  • Potentiometers
  • Electrolytic/Tantalum Capacitors
  • Ceramic/Polyester capacitors
  • Inductors
  • SCR
  • Triacs
  • Transistors PNP,NPN
  • Battery (max 4.5v)

It also has an infrared remote control decoder which i find absolutely useless.

The microcontroller used in the LCR-T7 is a clone of the ATMEL ATMEGA328, the Lucky Green LGT8F328P which is practically identical to the ATMEL but with additional capabilities such as higher speed and has a higher resolution for converting analog signals and having a digital-to-analog converter as well.

Below are the photos of the inside.

Download: LCR-T7-Manual (875)

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