Atari Megafile 30

The Megafile series (produced by Atari) is based on RLL (MFM) Hard Disk, the MFM technology today has become obsolete.
The system includes the Hard Disk (Seagate ST-157R), controller RLL (MFM) 32D5321 and the power supply. The Megafile was connected to the host through the door ACSI, ACSI is Atari’s proprietary hard drive connector. It is similar to SCSI which was standardized later, but not directly compatible.
The other door instead allows you to connect other devices (eg. other Megafile).
Categories: Atari family, Gallery, Retro Computers and other stuff...
My first glimpse of the Megafile was at a computer store in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was connected to an Atari Mega 2 and the clerk who was operating it was using some disk image copy software for piracy purposes! And at the time (1987) we didn’t even have software piracy laws in Malaysia :P
- BaL