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Spectravideo SVI-728 MSX (Arabic) Rom Dump

Spectravideo SVI-728 MSX (Arabic) Rom Dump (click to enlarge)

Download: SVI-728 (Arabic) ROM-ic48 OKI M27128 Prom (1642)

  1. June 5th, 2015 at 01:26 | #1


    Thank you very much for sharing the information with us.

    Please would you be so kind to add a picture of the underside, also with another close/macro picture of the label with the serial number ?



  2. Abdullah shwaikh
    December 20th, 2015 at 15:19 | #2

    I also would like to see more pics of that machine

    Do you have its box?

  3. Eihab Nagy
    July 29th, 2016 at 20:35 | #3

    I have openMSX emulator on my android mobile and I could get it to run Al-Alamiah Sakhr MSX1 & MSX2 successfully. Now could you please tell me how can I get openMSX to run:
    1- Perfect – Daewoo MSX 1 (Arabic)
    2- Perfect – Daewoo MSX 2 (Arabic)
    3- Spectravideo SVI-728 MSX (Arabic)
    4- Spectravideo SVI-728 MSX 2 (Arabic)
    5- Spectravideo (SVI-318, SVI-328, SVI-328MKII)

    I know that I need system rom dumb as “(.rom) format” for those computers and I need your help on that. I also need openMSX machine configuration files for those machines.

    Please help me.
