X-2010: Official demo party results *party stuff updated*
This is the unofficial official demo party results from X-2010 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB X2010 section for more informations. C64 Demo Competition:
- 1. Another Beginning by Offence, Prosonix
- 2. We Are New by Fairlight
- 3. Mekanix by Booze Design & Instinct
C64 Graphics Competition:
- 1. 25 Years of Yie Ar Kung-Fu by Veto
- 2. Must Ache the Moustache / Duce
- 3. DYN by Bimber
C64 Music Competition:
- 1. Bored Teenagers, Expensive Shoes / Randall
- 2. Evolver by Jeff
- 3. X “Jazz” / Booker
Download X-2010 Party stuff: X-2010 (1116) (13 Mb) *updated*
source: noname.c64.org
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