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Video Technology (Vtech) Laser 500 Color Computer

Video Technology (Vtech) Laser 500 Color Computer

Thanks to my friend Andry for the donation of this computer.

The laser 500 is identical to the previous version, the laser 350. The only differences are in the memory configuration (64 KB instead of 16 KB), the keyboard (77 keys instead of 49) and extended graphics modes.

Technical features:

  • Production: 1985
  • CPU  NEC D780c (Z80A compatible) at 3.7 MHz
  • RAM: 64 KB, expandible to 128 KB
  • ROM: 32 KB
  • Text modes: 40 x 24 in 16 colors and 80 x 24 in 2 colors.
  • Graphic modes: 160 x 96 a 16 col., 160 x 192 a 2 col., 320 x 192 a 2 col., 160 x 192 a 16 col., 320 x 192 a 2 col., 640 x 192 a 2 col.
  • Sound: 1 voce, 6 octave (Beeper)
  • I/O ports: Tape-recorder (600 bauds), Composite Monitor out, RF Port, Memory expansion port.
  • Power supply: 9v 500mA (Positive Centre)


  1. April 3rd, 2017 at 08:22 | #1

    Hello Laser 500 is similar micro of zx80, i have one in 1988 price 3000 FF in France big price lol

  2. sergio perosa
    July 1st, 2023 at 05:01 | #2

    ne ho trovato uno, nel 2000 in discarica , la tastiera esternamente, sembra buona, ma in pratica è un milione di volte peggio dello Zx Spectrum , perche anche se quella dello Zx ha i suoi problemi, ma almeno è riparabile nel caso del Vtech lo stampato sotto i tasti ha piste in parte congiunte, con striscie di vernice conduttiva, che si degrada con l ossidazione, ho perso settimane per ripristinare le piste, e poi scopro che anche i cappuccio di gomma sotto il tasto, sono di pessima fattura e precisione, insomma uno schifo mai visto prima, oltre tutto, te lo imponevano sto schifo di computer in alcuni corsi a prezzi davvero gonfiati

  3. Juanito Ferrero
    February 13th, 2024 at 08:37 | #3

    sergio perosa. Yes, it’s not quality, the only quality Laser were the 128 EX/EX2 AND PC386 models, better quality for the EX Apple II-compatible models. Afterwards, the 500 was available for introductory courses in computing, and was included in the price of the course, which was worth 10,000 FF in France or Italy, or Spain in 1987. I once had a Laser 500, but I haven’t had it for years. I got it at the end of a crappy course, as I said above, which was worth 10,000 FF with the Laser 500 included.

  4. Aniello Del Sorbo
    February 3rd, 2025 at 13:04 | #4

    Hi, what is the little cute monitor ? Got a model / serial?

  5. Aniello Del Sorbo
    February 3rd, 2025 at 13:20 | #5

    @Aniello Del Sorbo
    Found it! Not available in the UK, went for a different one. Cheers!
