Home > Hardware, News & Rumors, Today > Flash Multicart for SABA Videoplay (Fairchild Channel-F)

Flash Multicart for SABA Videoplay (Fairchild Channel-F)

Flash Multicart for SABA Videoplay (Fairchild Channel-F)

This is a Flash cart (Pico-Multicart) for SABA Videoplay by Andrea Ottaviani.

This is a forked version of 3DMaze PicoVideocart for using a cheaper and simpler pcb based on pico “Purple” clone and using its 16mb flash for storing games instead of the original SDCard.

How much i paid for the SABA Videoplay Pico-Multicart?

  • 1 x RP2040 Pi Pico Purple : €2.69
  • 1 x JLCPCB PCB : €3.00
  • 1 x DIODE 1N4148 / Resistor 330Ohm / Push Button / LED : €2.00 +/-

More or less for each single SABA Videoplay Pico-Multicart complete with all the components you will spend €7.69.

The price of each component also includes the cost of shipping and customs clearance.

Below you will find the photos of how i repositioned the LED and the BUTTON, i preferred to install both in this position rather than on the back of the cartridge (default position of the PCB).

Another thing i want to say is to solder the Pi Pico Purple as close as possible to the PCB, i soldered the strips and then removed the plastic holder, this is to avoid you having difficulty closing the cartridge case.

You can also download the cartridge label (front and back), firmware and games in UF2 format, the games must be programmed first and then the firmware.



source: github.com/aotta/PicoVideocart

Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today
  1. Balduin
    January 11th, 2025 at 22:44 | #1

    Hi, many thanks for showing your excellent work! Can you tell me which kind of reset button type you used? I will order on Aliexpress. Thanks and greetings from Switzerland!
