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Atari 800XE (Boxed) + XC12 (White Box) – Retr0Bright Sux

Atari 800XE (Boxed) + XC12 (White Box)

Why make a Retr0Bright if you have a 130XE (mint) to sacrifice to replace the yellowed case and keyboard of an Atari 800XE ?

If we talk about collecting an atari 800XE is more important than a 130XE, especially if you have more than one.

I have replaced only the upper side of the case, the keyboard and the plastic piece of the led which in the 800XE is white and not red, the back side with the adhesive fortunately was in perfect condition.

I didn’t have to do any repairs except to calibrate the XC12 cassette recorder motor speed using an old but still valid speed calibration system, a music cassette, obviously only if you have a “good ear” and you know the music track perfectly.

NOTES: i have never seen the XC12 in a white box and miss it in my Atari collection.

NOTES 2: How did i listen the Billy Idol cassette? the Atari SIO connector supports Analog audio with a dedicated pin to this purpose.


  1. Daren
    November 6th, 2019 at 02:16 | #1

    Those cassette players look very similar to the commodore c2n, just a different case.

  2. June 21st, 2023 at 15:44 | #2

    There are actually 2 variants of the white CX12 box. One with red lettering and one wth blue lettering. The XC12 was made by Phonemark and similar looking ones were used for many other computers like commodore and msx.


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