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C64 Game: Hyper Viper +1 Cracked/Trained by Onslaught

Hyper Viper by Jamie Howard (distribuited by Psytronik) for Commodore 64 has been cracked and trained by Onslaught.

Hyper Viper is a C64 conversion of a game released on the MSX way back in 1985.

Jamie has done a fine job converting the game onto the C64 which looks and plays just like the original – but now has improved presentation and music.

Download: Hyper Viper +1 Cracked by Onslaught (1467)

source: psytronik.net noname.c64.org pokefinder.org

  1. Michael
    July 8th, 2011 at 11:12 | #1

    I can’t get this game to work on my real C64c (pal) or Hoxs, only Vice 2.3 (x64sc) works. :(

  2. Jamie howard
    July 9th, 2011 at 14:22 | #2

    Why don’t you buy the real version then? Its only £2 and I can tell you being the developer who wrote it, the proper version works fine!

  3. BossHoss
    July 21st, 2011 at 15:15 | #3

    there is an updated version around which fixed some game-bugs and works on the real machine
