Project Ymer YM2149 by Peter Jørgensen
Project Ymer is a chip tracker and YM file player, programmed by Peter Jørgensen (Denmark), 1999-2017.
- Choose between different sound card in you computer. (up to 8)
- Select playback rate from 44100 – 192000 Hz
- Up to 8 times oversampling
- Export to wav
- Export rate up to 96000 Hz with 2 times oversampling
- Score-based layout (no-patterns)
- Graphical instrument edit
- Volume envelope
- Amplitude modulation
- Hardware Buzzer
- Pw-Pwm
- Synthwave
- Sound resolution up to 300 Hz
- Noise bend
- Advance tone bend
- Buzzer Vibrato
- Buzzer portamento
- Unified frequent list
- Turn Tone/Wave on-off in vibrato, bend and arpeggio.
- Vibrato Depth
- Invert Vibrato for synth wave
New Function In the 2017 version:
- Export Pure YM Tracker score to Ymt (Only Standard Instrument and Buzzer Sound)
- Double Tempo resolutions
- Expand Score
- Insert block/Mark, have been change to Over write and Paste Block/Mark
New Function in Beta version 14.0:
- Mixer controll
- Stereo
- Simple reverb
- Startup directory
Download: Ym2149 2017 Beta Version (1232)
Categories: News & Rumors, OSx/Linux/Win Tools, Today
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