Golden Image JD-560 / JD-562 (Boxed)

The JD-560 and JD -562 are a series of Floppy disk drives that can be connected externally of the computer.
They are completely applicable to IBM PC/XT/AT/386/486 compatible computers and need no any special interface cards.
Categories: Gallery, Golden Image, Retro Computers and other stuff...
Hi! Did you sell the item? If not, would you please inform me about the price?
I have the same Floppy, but no manual.
Do you have mabee a scan of it for me?
That would be great!
Thank you and best regards
I have the same floppy drive, but unfortunately I can’t get it to work. There’s a switch and several jumper settings.
Could you please send me the manual as a photo or scan?
I would be very grateful.
Best regards,