Home > Gallery, Peters Plus Ltd., Retro Computers and other stuff..., Sinclair ZX Spectrum Clones > Peters WS128 Home Computer (Peters Plus Ltd.)

Peters WS128 Home Computer (Peters Plus Ltd.)

Peters WS128 Home Computer Boxed


How you can see from the gallery i had to remove the scotch tape that has been glued on the keys, the scotch tape with the long time has dried and detached, now the keyboard is perfect.

The Peters WS128 Home Computer is a Russian Clone of a Sinclair Spectrum 128 but with the addition of some features.

  • Built-in printer port (centronics).
  • The power switch.
  • A internal power supply.
  • Built-in ROM: Tetris Game, Assembler Monitor, Video Tester, Text Editor.

The Company Peters, then Peters Plus Ltd. is a company of microelectronic and computer founded in the year 1990 in St. Petersburg, known especially for the clone Sprinter.

Download: Spectrumpedia (1365)

  1. zxpress.ru
    March 25th, 2021 at 19:10 | #1

    Tell me, is there a user manual in the kit?
    Is there a computer serial number and release date somewhere?
    Is there a photo of the motherboard?
