1541 Ultimate II: New firmware v2.1
A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate II is released.
This version only runs on the Ultimate-II!
Major improvement in latest release:
- Config menu is now ‘hot’, meaning that all settings that can be applied when exiting the menu will be applied immediately without reboot.
- Audio options added.
- Stereo SID emulation added.
- Initial support for domark cartridges added; not yet tested (and no support from the menu in this release).
- Improvements made in file system handling.. (It’s not ‘clean’ yet, but delete and rename now work)
- Issue solved that caused errors when more than one cluster was used for a directory.
- Bug fixed that caused a crash when partition list was skipped.
- Some additional testing with SID support.
- Created module for selecting audio options in the Ultimate configuration menu. Address for second SID now configurable.
- Some experiments done with EM1010 USB to Ethernet module. The module doesn’t comply with the USB philosophy of interrupts.. it *always* gives an interrupt every poll.. (wrong!) But nevertheless, managed to send a DHCP discover and receive a reply from the router. :) (not yet functional in this release)
- Command Interface created and handler set up for testing VHDL. (not yet functional in this release)
- Cartridge Logic restructured to make it a little more plug and go.
- Reading of ISO9660 added (both as .iso file, as well as from external USB CD-ROM..)
- Partition list skipped when there is just one.
download: 1541ultimate.net
Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today
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