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Philips CM8833 Personal Monitor (The best Multimedia CRT monitor)

Philips CM8833 Personal Monitor


The Philips CM8833 has an RGB connector which can accept both analogue and digital RGB signal and a RCA connector for Composite signal.

Download: Philips CM8833 Service Manual (2348)

  1. SaUzEr
    September 15th, 2009 at 09:51 | #1

    I still have 2 of these.. ;-)

  2. September 15th, 2009 at 10:03 | #2


    ;-D eheheheh , il mio a cui ero molto Affezionato si e’ rotto un paio di anni fa’. Questo lo preso a 13,00 euro un’ottimo prezzo soprattutto per lo stato in cui e’.

  3. October 17th, 2009 at 22:31 | #3

    Ciao! io ho una Amiga 2000 e avevo lo stesso monitor che però si è rotto…è ancora in vendita? ha cose rotte? pulsanti, prese, audio?

  4. October 18th, 2009 at 23:30 | #4

    Ciao Luca, mi spiace ma io non vendo , colleziono da 20 anni circa.

  5. Immortal
    September 15th, 2015 at 20:06 | #5


    Ive recently bought a philips monitor cm8833, both of my A1200 and Spectrum 128k +2 works flawlessly via scart, but when i connect it to my C64 the picture of the basic screen is oversaturated, all blueish, its not stable.

    Ive tried also with a composite cable and a luma cable, but no good.

    Do you know a specific cable to connect the C64 to this monitor? or schematics to do one that works?

    thanks in advance…

  6. September 20th, 2015 at 22:14 | #6



    Unfortunately this monitor cannot handle luma/chroma by default (best Video mode for C64), only video composite and RGB.

    However, in this thread ofa Lemon forum is described a small hack to enable such a support.


  7. August 16th, 2018 at 18:38 | #7

    Indeed, the best !!! especially scart connector and auto switching rgb-composite and stereo !

    i use it for last 20 years with two small repairs and power button fixed always on ;-)
