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Vorpal Utility Kit (C64, 5 1/4″ Disk) Epyx cracked by Zer0-X

The Vorpal save and load utilities are for placing user-created files and programs in a special fast-loading format.

Unlike the Fast Load Cartridge from Epyx, the Vorpal fast loading feature will not speed the loading of “off-the-shelf” programs and games purchased from software manufacturers.

Includes powerful utilities for Commodore 64/128.

  • 1541 Head Alignment: Head Alignment Utility puts most 1541 disk drives back on track.
  • File Recovery Utility: Finds and recovers files that were erased by mistake.
  • Super-Fast Disk Format: Epyx’s own format utility formats disks in approximately 25 seconds. Normal formatting time is almost 2 minutes.
  • Super-Fast File Backup: Fast file backup utility recognizes many different file formats including relative and Vorpal files.
  • Super-Fast Disk Backups: High speed disk backup can duplicate a disk in a fraction of the time it normally takes.
  • Disk Drive Speed Check: Diagnostic utility monitors the performance of Commodore 1541 and 1571 disk drives.
  • Vorpal* Save/Load: Special Vorpal save and load utilities place user-created files and programs in Vorpal format. Files and programs load up to 25 times faster than normal.

Download: Vorpal Utility Kit (1388)

source: elisoftware.org noname.c64.org

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