C64 Utility: EasyCLI v0.06
EasyCLI is a command shell for the Commodore 64 computer. EasyCLI is packaged as an EasyFlash cartridge. This gives EasyCLI the ability to boot the computer and bring the user straight to the shell without having to load and run a program from disk.
EasyCLI comes packaged with several built in commandlets, each of which is it’s own 8K program that is stored in the EasyFlash cartridge and loaded on demand.
- New command: ECHO – Outputs text following the command.
- New command: PAUSE – displays prompt and waits for user to input a key.
- New command: EXEC – Executes a script. Scripts are chains of commands that will be executed in a sequence. Scripts can be chained together by including another EXEC command at the end of the script. This is very useful because the longer a script is the longer it takes to execute the commands in the script since the script must be reloaded after each command, so chaining together small scripts is faster than one big script.
Download: EasyCLI v0.06 (1002)
source: easycli.codeplex.com
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