Apple Monitor // (A2M2010P)

I have removed the main filter capacitor of 0,47μF 250v (RIFA), avoiding that can explode.
from Wikipedia:
The Apple Monitor // was a CRT-based green monochrome 12-inch monitor manufactured by Apple Computer for the Apple II personal computer family. Apple didn’t manufacture the monitor until halfway through the lifespan of the II series.
The business-line Apple /// had its own Apple Monitor /// long before. Many home users of Apple II computers used their televisions as computer monitors before the Monitor // was released. It featured an inner vertical-swiveling frame. This allowed users to adjust the viewing angle up or down to suit their taste without the addition of a tilt-and-swivel device.
The Monitor // was widely adjustable for the time, as it included adjustments for the size and location of the image on the screen. These adjustments had a very small influence on the picture, however, much to the disliking of some users. The Monitor // was designed for the Apple II+, but was used widely throughout the Apple II product line, most recognizably on the Apple IIe.
source: wikipedia
Hi, its many years since someone used this message area I guess! But I’m looking for the circuit diagram of this monitor. One of the caps is bad and I’d like to see the circuit. Currently the top one third of the screen is black and the picture is squashed and rather bright with a very low contrast (but correct) donkey kong image on the screen.
Barry Marshall
Hi, Circuit Diagram added to the Download on this post.