The donation of spare parts is always a good thing
I must thank my friends which have contributed to the growth of my Repair Laboratory with donations of spare parts.
Donated items:
- 2 x Sega Dreamcast
- 1 x Sinclair 128+
- 2 x Amiga 500 Memory Expansion
- 1 x Amiga Powersupply
- 1 x Philips Multi Voltage Power supply
- 1 x Commodore CBM/PET Power supply (complete and working)
- 1 x 8088 Motherboard (Clone)
- 1 x Floppy Drive Controller (ISA Card)
- 1 x MDA/Parallel Controller (ISA Card)
- 1 x PC Clone (8088) Power supply
- 6 x Unknown Adapter/Interface
- 1 x Atari 7800 Motherboard
- 1 x Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k Motherboard
- 1 x Pong Clone Motherboard
- 1 x Amstrad CPC 464 Motherboard
- 1 x Commodore 6499
- 1 x Power Supply C64/VIC20 (Clone)
Categories: Donations, News & Rumors, Today
Salve buongiorno,
vorrei effettuare una donazione
si tratta di due Sinclair Spectrum
Spectrum +2 (grigio, funzionante)
Spectrum +2A (nero, non sente la tastiera)
Salve simone, ti ringrazio del pensiero , puoi contattarmi tramite email a questo indirizzo:
I think that the card on top might be an original IBM PC/XT floppy controller. 34 pin edge connector for two internal drives and 37 pin dsub for two external drives.