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2 x Atari 800 XL Repair

Atari 800 XL Repair #1

Atari 800 XL Repair (1 of 2)


  • Cartridges don’t work.
  • Some games or demos via SIO don’t work.

Replaced parts:

  • Replaced ROM CO61598B (U5) with a EPROM 27C128.

Gallery of the repair:


Atari 800 XL Repair #2

Atari 800 XL Repair (2 of 2)


  • The computer starts only in SELF TEST mode.

Replaced parts:

  • Replaced ROM BASIC C060302A (U4) with a EPROM 27C64 through adapter from 2364 to 2764.

Gallery of the repair:


  1. Rosalio Bautista
    February 26th, 2021 at 02:53 | #1

    I have a atari 800xl had it for decades my kid put pennies where the games go and now the video does not work. Any idea where i can get it fix . Am in California 3 hours north of LA. Thanks

  2. February 27th, 2021 at 18:47 | #2

    @Rosalio Bautista

    Hi Rosalio,

    You should send it to me, but i’m in Italy, better if you find a good repair man in your area.

    You can try on the atariage forum.



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