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Cassadapt v1.0

Introduction: The idea behind Cassadapt was to give Commodore computer enthusiasts yet another choice for interfacing their beloved old computers to modern PC’s to either record a .tap/,prg file to a Datassette or playback a Datassette to the PC to capture as a .wav file to then convert to a .tap file.

Cassadapt converts audio signals from your PC’s sound card to digital 0-5V data that can be recorded to a real C2N / 1531 Datassette or played directly in to the C64, C16 etc., even without the need for a real Datassette connected.

With the use of fantastic programs like TapWav, TAPClean and WAV-PRG, Cassadapt is the play-record loop tape enthusiasts are looking for.

Click here for the Instructions Manual.

source: lemon64.com

Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today
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