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Regenerator disassembler v1.3 by n0stalgia

Regenerator is an interactive disassembler for C64 binaries. Regenerator will load any standard C64 .PRG file (or VICE snapshot) and disassemble it for your convenience.

There are a few options you can choose to change the output and a few tools to make the output look better and more useful to programmers. Regenerator runs under M$ windows and need .net 3.5 (or 4.0) runtime.

New in version 1.3:

  • Added REMOVE command to remove part of the data from dissasembly.
  • Added EDIT BLOCKS window to Edit all the DATA, TEXT and REMOVED blocks manually.
  • Added COPY to Clipboard functionality (insert key) with FULL or CODE only modes.
  • Added possibility to add user-defined COMMENTS to the code. This can be done as a FULL line comment or as a SIDE comment!
  • Added USER LABELS – you can now add a label to any address and it will be used in the disasembly. If there should be an automatic label generated for it then it will be overriden. Also added USER LABELS editor which is part of the old Label Prefixes window. You can add/edit and remove user labels within this screen and have a general overview of the user labels.
  • Added high and low partial references to immediate opcodes. This means that code like LDX #$A0 STX smwhr LDX #$BB STX smwhr+1 will be disasembled as LDX #<pBBA0 STX smwhr LDX #>address STX smwhr+1. This includes loads and stores in different order and with different registers. There is also a context menu command that lets you disable this on a currently selected address (if auto creation fails). NOTE: excluded address in STA opcodes will not be generated like this!
  • Fixed the Add BLANK LINE and Remove BLANK LINE so it actually works as it should.

Download: Regenerator disassembler v1.3 (986)

source: csdb.dk

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