Home > Firmware, News & Rumors, Today > Turbo Chameleon 64 beta firmware v6d released

Turbo Chameleon 64 beta firmware v6d released

Turbo Chameleon 64 is an extremely user-friendly cartridge that can be used without opening the computer. It is just plugged to the expansion port of the C64.

The Turbo Chameleon 64 cartridge can also be operated as a stand-alone unit (since it’s basically an FPGA computer like the C-One or the Minimig in a C64 cartridge case), replacing the computer, the floppy drive and the heavy power supply.

When used as a stand-alone unit, a USB power adapter or active USB hub can be used as a power source.


Differences from Beta-6c to Beta-6d:

  • Cartridge emulations.
  • Turbo speed increase: Eliminated one clock cycle from critical path.
  • Turbo speed increase: Writes to memory concurrent with next instruction fetch.
  • Turbo speed increase: MMU caches last used CPU slot.

Download: Firmware Chameleon Beta 6d (1584)

source: syntiac.com

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today
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