Home > Firmware, News & Rumors, Today > Released the latest version of DiagROM v1.2 for Amiga

Released the latest version of DiagROM v1.2 for Amiga

What is DiagROM?

DiagROM is a diagnostic tool for the amiga computers.

And it is to be used on defective machines, trying to help no-boot situations etc.

You simply replace the Kickstart roms in the Amiga with the DiagROM. and when poweron. your Amiga will start a diagnostic software. It will try to dump info on the serialport (and actual menus etc aswell) while also trying on the screen.


  • Now Diskdrivetest should work on most machines.
  • Memchecks should now detect non working ram better.
  • Experimental CIA test added that should work on NTSC machines aswell. MIGHT give false results on TOD-B  tests. It will still say that IRQ is needed, this is not true :)
  • Added RGB Test.
  • Usual “bugfixes” pressing left mousebutton when chipmemdetect starts skips serial output and makes startup faster. holding down left mousebutton while doing memscan at start skips memtests. (good if it hangs during scan. known not found bug yet!)
  • Updated to tested values if new CIA test that should be more correct.
  • Also in memoryedit mode (memtest) added pageup/down functions with Q and Z keys.
  • (or Amigastandard shift+cursor keys)  also added official support to execute code from current locaton using the X key. (this is very much not really useful for most people)

Download: DiagoROM v1.2 Stable (891)

source: diagrom.com

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today
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