SD2PET Future – SD Card Storage for the Commodore PET

Plugs directly into IEEE of your PET / CBM Series Computer.
TFW8b and Tynemouth Software have once again brought the best of both worlds together, this time giving PET owners a high quality SD Card storage solution.
SD2PET Future:
- Plugs directly into PET IEEE-488 port.
- Powered from rear datasette port.
- SD Card accessible at rear of PET.
- Reset button and activity LED (Red/Green)
- Works with BASIC 2 & 4 Machines (BASIC 1 Machines can be upgraded with PET ROM/RAM)
- Supports PRG, D64, D80, D82 Disk Images.
- Simply plug it in your PET and it’s ready to go.
Supported Machines:
- Commodore 2001 (with BASIC 2 or BASIC 4 Upgrade)
- Commodore 2001N-XX (BASIC 2 or 4)
- Commodore 3008/3016/3032
- Commodore 4008/4016/4032
- Commodore 8032/8096/8296
- Commodore CBM II 600/700
- Commodore SuperPet.
- Commodore VIC20/C64 with IEEE-488 Cartridge.
Unsupported (Due to different connectors):
- Commodore 8032-SK
- Commodore 8096-SK
Designed by Tynemouth Software & produced by TFW8b.
Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today
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