Home > Firmware, News & Rumors, Today > SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic Firmware update v0.211

SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic Firmware update v0.211

.- the inexpensive dual-SID/FM replacement that you can build yourself -.

SIDKick pico by Frenetic is a microcontroller-based C64 SID replacement. Analog inputs for paddles and mice are available just as for the original SID.

This release contains the firmware for SIDKick pico with only minor changes:

  • The reset behavior has been modified to avoid the problems reported for old ultimax cartridges (e.g. Jupiter Lander).


There are different .uf2-files are firmware files with PWM and/or DAC output, flashing (RGB-)LED on/off AND for hardware revision 0.1 and 0.2, and the new SIDKick pico2040DAC.

Please read the troubleshooting section in case you experience problems.


My SID Player plays SID tunes with the SIDKick-pico.
SIDKick-Pico by Frenetic.

Download: SIDKick-Pico Firmware v0.211 (13)

source: c64-wiki.com github.com/frntc/SIDKick-pico

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today
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