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Exomizer v2.0.2 released

Exomizer is a program that compresses files in a way that tries to be as efficient as possible but still allows them to be decompressed in environments where CPU speed and RAM are limited. For some popular 8-bit computers using 6502 compatible CPUs it can also generate executable files that decompress themselves in memory when run.

  • 2011-08-19: Exomizer v2.0.2 released

Changes since the 2.0.1 release:

  • Added 6809-decruncher contributed by Edouard Forler.
  • Fix language errors in the documentation. Thanks to Csabo/LOD.
  • Remove bogus printout about the default decrunch effect when using a custom decrunch effect. Bug reported by Csabo/LOD.
  • Fix bug that prevented the correct error message from showing when trying to combine a basic start and a non rom config for the sfx command. Bug reported by iAN CooG.

A complete changelog is included in the zip file.

Download: Exomizer v2.0.2 (1005)

source: exomizer

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