Released the latest version of C64-Archiv v3.0
C64-Archiv descriptions:
- Scans and stores your C64 – (games) – collection with only a few clicks.
- Easily manages your C64-programs by creating your own categories.
- Starts the C64-programs in different emulators.
- Delivers instructions for the emulators VICE and CCS64.
- Stores the C64-programs from files with the extensions .d64, .d71, .p00, .prg and .t64.
- Stores files by name with the extensions: .tap, .vsf (VICE-snapshot-file) and .c64 (CCS-session-file)
- Stores the C64-programs in files with the extensions: .zip, .7z and .cab.
- Supports multi-language.
Version 3.0 – What’s new?
- NEW: Gamebase64 frontend with the possibility to download games.
- NEW: Simplified editing of profils.
- NEW: Profils for HOXS64.
- NEW: Startup Wizard.
- NEW: In the main window you can hide the tree.
source: Mikes Pages
Categories: News & Rumors, OSx/Linux/Win Tools, Today
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