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Timex Computer 2048 (TC 2048) – Spectrum 48k Clone

Timex Computer 2048 (TC 2048) - Spectrum 48k Clone


from Wikipedia:

The TC 2048 or Timex Computer 2048 is a computer created by “Timex of Portugal, Lda”, a branch of Timex Corporation. It was highly compatible with the Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer, although differences in the ROM prevented 100% compatibility.

Timex Portugal sold the TC 2048 in Portugal and Poland, where it was very successful. Also, a NTSC version was sold in Chile. This computer forms the basis of an improved Spectrum-compatible machine, the Spectrum SE.

Timex Sinclair was a joint venture between the British company Sinclair Research and Timex Corporation in an effort to gain an entry into the rapidly growing early-1980s home computer market in North America. The choice of partnership was natural as Timex was already the main contractor for manufacture of Sinclair’s ZX81 and ZX Spectrum computers at its Scottish plant in Dundee.

It was Timex of Portugal, though, that took on the R&D and the local manufacturing of the models to be exported to the U.S. Although both Timex of Scotland and Timex of Portugal were full subsidiaries of Timex, internal rivalry, whether unintended or purported, meant there were no contacts nor experiences shared between the two plants. Timex of Portugal also sold the Timex Sinclair models in Portugal and Poland under the Timex Computer brand.

Technical specifications:

  • CPU: Zilog Z80A @ 3.50 MHz
  • ROM: 16 KB
  • RAM: 48 KB
  • Sound: Beeper (1 channel, 10 octaves and 10+ semitones via internal speaker)
  • Display:
    • Improved ULA offering additional screen modes:
    • Text: 32×24 characters (8×8 pixels, rendered in graphics mode)
    • Graphics: 256×192 pixels, 15 colours (two simultaneous colours – “attributes” – per 8×8 pixels, causing attribute clash)
    • Extended Color: 256×192 pixels, 15 colors with colour resolution of 32×192 (two simultaneous colours – “attributes” – per 1×8 pixels)
    • Dual Screen: (two 256×192 pixels screens can be placed in memory)
    • A monochrome 512×192 mode
  • I/O:
    • Z80 bus in/out
    • Tape audio in/out for external cassette tape storage
    • RF television out
    • Composite video monitor out
    • Kempston Joystick input

Download: Timex Computer 2048 Schematic (1482)

source: wikipedia

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