= 1.1c) di Gideon è disponibile un'opzione per ricevere streaming audio/video a 50fps attraverso una connessione di rete.Puoi utilizzare questo programma anche per catturare immagini, audio o video. Changelog v1.1a (21/07/2019): Added audio capture Download: [download id="1826"] source: u64streame" />
Home > News & Rumors, OSx/Linux/Win Tools, Today > U64 Streamer v1.2

U64 Streamer v1.2

What can I do with this?

With the new Ultimate 64 firmware (>=1.1c) there is an option to receive video frames & audio over a network connection at 50fps.

You can use this tool to capture those frames into an image, audio or video file.

Changelog v1.1a (21/07/2019):

  • Added audio capture

Download: U64 Streamer v1.2 (804)

source: u64streamer

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