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2 x Commodore 1541 (1540050 / 251830) Repair

2 x Commodore 1541 (1540050 - 251830) Repair

Commodore Floppy Drive 1541 (1540050) Repair #1


  • Drive access problems (IEC): drive resets but the computer freez with a “searching for”
  • The RED led flashes twice times then stops and start again and motor runs continuously.
  • The RED led flashes repeatedly every second without stopping and motor runs continuously.

Replaced parts:

  • Replaced 6522 (UC3)
  • Replaced 6522 (UC2)
  • Replaced 901229-03 ROM (UB4)

Commodore Floppy Drive 1541 (251830) Repair #2


  • The RED led flashes repeatedly every second without stopping and motor runs continuously.

Replaced parts:

  • Replaced MOS 8713 [74LS04] (UC6)
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