Atari 1050 Disk Drive Repair

This drive has two different problems.
- The Floppy Drive just did not turn on.
- The motor spinning always, regardless of whether a Floppy Disk was inserted or not.
The Floppy Drive could not work because the FUSE inside the external power supply (transformer) was missing. :-D
The second problem was caused by the RAM-I/O-Timer (RIOT) 6532 which had decided to stop working.
Replaced the RIOT and made a good cleaning and greased some mechanical parts with silicone grease, everything has started again to work better than before. :-D
Gallery of the repair:
Categories: Projects / Repairs, Today, Various
Sono in possesso di vario materiale ATARI (130xe, 800xl).
Voloevo chedervi se potete ripare un disk drive Atari 1050. Si accende ma non carica alcun disketto.
Attendo una vostra gradita risposta