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I have used the alias Xantal instead of xAD for some projects. Example: XboxMediaCenter / XboxMediaPlayer and other undergrounds things.
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I’ve provisionally assigned these switches code USw UXBW01 (white on black generic cruciform mount with unknown contact mechanism):
They look so familiar, but I can’t place where I’ve seen something like that before.
Identified as Datanetics switches; patent: https://www.google.com/patents/US3777090
I’m want to get my ABT keypad apart to rectify two non-activating number keys. Can anyone tell me how it dissembles?
No sign of any screws. Pulled a rubber foot off the base in case a screw might be beneath it but it wasn’t.
Is there by any chance anything under the label on the base which needs to be accessed? I don’t want to spoil the label unnecessarily.
If it is just a question of inserting a lever into the joint between top and bottom sections of the casing and twisting it, I’d like to know just where the optimum location points to insert the lever are to avoid potential damage.
Any help would be received most gratefully.