Home > Apple, News & Rumors, Today > ProDOS 2.4.1 by J.B. Brooks

ProDOS 2.4.1 by J.B. Brooks

A software developer John Brooks released what is clearly a work of pure love: the first update to an operating system for the Apple II computer family since 1993.

ProDOS 2.4, released on the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the Apple II GS, brings the enhanced operating system to even older Apple II systems, including the original Apple ][ and ][+.

Note: ProDOS 2.4 is now updated to ProDOS 2.4.1.

ProDOS 2.4 adds new features for all Apple II computers, including the 1977 Integer ROM Apple II. The last release, version 2.0.3, was released in 1993 by Apple computer, 23 years previously.

Download: ProDOS 2.4.1 by J.B. Brooks (DSK) (966)

source: archive.org

Categories: Apple, News & Rumors, Today
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