Home > Hardware, News & Rumors, Today > Released the latest version of DiagROM v0.8

Released the latest version of DiagROM v0.8

What is DiagROM?

DiagROM is a diagnostic tool for the amiga computers.

And it is to be used on defective machines, trying to help no-boot situations etc.

You simply replace the Kickstart roms in the Amiga with the DiagROM. and when poweron. your Amiga will start a diagnostic software. It will try to dump info on the serialport (and actual menus etc aswell) while also trying on the screen.


  • 2016-10-22: Fixed bugs in new Chipmemdetection that made it not detect any chipmem if there was missing/Broken chipmem in the beginning. Added errorhandling in the startprocess, so it can show on serialport if there was a exceptionerror. also will show colorcodes on screen.  done some smaller bigfixes. Will bump versionnumber and this will be the stable version.  It will take a while until next stable version is bumped. Need to do floppy, serial, paralell tests etc before that will happen. but you always have the daily version.
  • 2016-10-12: New Chipmem detection now handles shadowram so it should stop detecting memory instead of giving false 2MB Chip. IF no Chipmem avaible and machine can detect fastmem (NON autoconfig. more or less only A3000/4000 motherboardmem) it will now start using fastmem only. (screen flickers in different colors instead of printing text, nullmodem only) Fixed addresserrorbugs at CIA and joystickport tests on machines with 68000CPU. also should have correct CIA timing on slow machines. IF fastmemshadowram is detected during memorytests, test will exit.  MANUAL test have a option to disable that test.
  • 2016-10-07: LONG time no updates.  Familystuff.  Anyway. decided to do a total redo of initcode especially chipmemdetection. Detection is slower, but progress is printed on serialport so you can see address checked and if failure (in the beginning of the detection)  you will see what it wrote and what is read to help debugging of chipmemproblems. Screen should flicker in green while detecting.        drawback is that some tests (cia and joyport tests) now generates an addresserror. Will have a look of that.

Download: DiagoROM v0.8 Stable (1159)

source: diagrom.com

Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today
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