Amiga 4000 Recap – A3640 Recap – 060 CPU Adapters – Kick Patched

List of works that have been made:
- 1 x Commodore Amiga 4000 – Full Recap.
- 3 x 68040 -> 68(EC)060 Adapters – Testing & Fixing.
- 2 x Commodore A3640 – Full Recap and Polarity Fix.
- 1 x Commodore A3640 – Oscillator Socket.
- 1 x Burning Kick 3.1 patched version for 68040 -> 68060 adapters*
* exec.library has been patched to support a full Motorola 68060 CPU with FPU. This patch is not needed for the EC version without FPU.
Gallery of the work done:
Download: Kickstart v3.1 Exec Patch Version for 3k & 4k - Ready to Burn! (1545)
Categories: Projects / Repairs, Today, Various
Can you put up some pics of the 040>060 adapter PCBs separated showing top and bottom sides. I’m trying to build one of those adapters but the info is lacking. Thanks!
@Len F.
Hi Len, here a clean documentation:
İ have a4000d – a3640 – 68060 adapter and xc68060rc75
your Kickstart v3.1 Exec Patch Version for 3k & 4k – Ready to Burn! (226) is two 510kb part
now i have only black screen with my normal old ks3.1 rom
i have two 27c400 eprom and eprom burner.
your modified roms normal 256k*2 roms?
27c400 is 512k. can i burn directly to eproms. your 2*512k rom image to 2*27c400
your board looks really clean.
Ciao xAD, domanda, ma oltre all’adattatore se uno ha una 68060 con FPU deve cambiare anche l’oscillatore della 3640 o può lasciare quello già montato di fabbrica ?
Questo upgrade e’ solo per la 3640, se hai una board con 68060 senza adattatore evidentemente non e’ una 3640, di conseguenza puoi giocare con l’oscillatore.
si si è una 3640 e l’oscillatore è a 50 MHz quindi deduco che non debba toccare nulla. La CPU è una 68060 FULL. Devo patchare il kickstart 3.1 ? Una volta fatto che 68060.library devo usare ?
Ti ringrazio