Commodore Amiga 4000 updating GAL 16V8 for IDE PIO-2
Commodore Amiga 4000 updating GAL 16V8 for IDE PIO-2.
After doing this update of the two GAL’s 16V8 from PIO-0 (commodore original) to PIO-2 mode the access of the IDE drives are 25% more faster.
Gallery of the work:
Source & Download:
Categories: Projects / Repairs, Today, Various
I have the same hack on my amiga 4000 but there seems to be a lot of incompatibility, CF card doesn’t work wit CD-rom as a Slave or the opposite.
Is there anything to do to solve?
I’m trying to program ATF16V8B-10JU GAL’s with the Mini Pro TL866II Plus without success.
what programmer has been used to program the GAL 16V8 PLCC chips ?
and what GAL chip was used (Latice or ATMEL) ?
@Joao Martins
GAL buyed from Cosmos (ebay) some years ago.