Home > Nightfall Old Skool, Super Nintendo (snes) > FULL Snes Trainer/Region Fix/SlowRom Fix from Nightfall

FULL Snes Trainer/Region Fix/SlowRom Fix from Nightfall

This is a full archives of Snes Trainer/Pal Fix/SlowRom Fix and so on from Nightfall.

The Archives are in .lha and include .nfo/file_id.diz and bbs adversiments , they come directly from my old bbs.

Download: [nFL]-Trainer_Pal-Fix_SlowRom-Fix_and-more (3120)

  1. Mark
    March 2nd, 2012 at 09:36 | #1

    Hi there,

    have you also released sources of trainer intros for SNES?
    Would be nice to have a look at..


  2. Frank
    March 25th, 2018 at 23:11 | #2

    Hi guyz,

    Back into your great work in the 90′s on snes ! Your trainers were damn cool. I’m playing deep into your collection patching some games, to try with sd2snes + real hardware.

    Some or your trainers needed to be launched first, and then the game after rebooting. Was it made to work on SWC ?
    I’m stuck with both Star wars ESB & ROTJ, as any trainers can be patched directly but launched before (Same prb with N!, Legend nor Elitendo trainers)
    How do these trainers works, as the console should be restarted ?
