Released the latest version of DiagROM v1.0
What is DiagROM?
DiagROM is a diagnostic tool for the amiga computers.
And it is to be used on defective machines, trying to help no-boot situations etc.
You simply replace the Kickstart roms in the Amiga with the DiagROM. and when poweron. your Amiga will start a diagnostic software. It will try to dump info on the serialport (and actual menus etc aswell) while also trying on the screen.
- RTC Test improved with OKI Chipset support (but RTC test still is kind of buggy)
- Remade the autoconfig handling for much better ZorroIII support etc.
- Possability to turn on/off cache in manual memortedit (this WILL crach your machine on 68000/68010)
- Added an experimental “no chipmem” screen to try to figure out biterrors with rasterbars. (dark bar=dead bit, light bar=working bit)
- Added support for Amiga 1000 with a limited version of DiagROM.
- Parallel and serialporttests using SysTest compatible loopback adapters.
- Diskdrivetests.
- And.. some internal changes and stuff I actually forgotten.
- 2017-10-01:
- Long time since last time:
- Added tests for Parallel and serialporttesting using SysTest compatible loopbackadapters
- 2017-07-30:
- Added possability to run on A1000 as bootstraprom. I have removed moduletesting and gfx test-screemn to save space.
- Some additional bugfixes.
- 2017-07-06:
- Fixed a bug, when setting DTR high I accidentally put Dikdrive motor on!
- when no chipmem is foundand no fastmem, instead of just flashing a green screen, it now checks memaddr $400 and shows in stripes biterrors. bright color=bit working, dark=bit error. evbery 15 frame it flashes and steps +4 bytes of memaddr to check
- 2017-06-17:
- Oh! yes long time. Now DiagROM is opensource avaible at
- Totally rewritten Autoconfig, now handles Z2 and Z3 and should be working. if you get stuck in a loop (autoconfig not working) it
- will halt after 32 “boards”. Also in ManualEdit mode, I have inlcuded a function to turn on/off cache. to debug cacheissues on CPU Cards.
- BE CAREFUL! this WILL crash if you run it on a 68000/010
- Also fixed bug of garbage in menus.
Download: DiagoROM v1.0 Stable (1079)
Categories: Hardware, News & Rumors, Today
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