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Turbo Chameleon 64 beta firmware 7b released

Turbo Chameleon 64 is an extremely user-friendly cartridge that can be used without opening the computer. It is just plugged to the expansion port of the C64.

The Turbo Chameleon 64 cartridge can also be operated as a stand-alone unit (since it’s basically an FPGA computer like the C-One or the Minimig in a C64 cartridge case), replacing the computer, the floppy drive and the heavy power supply.

When used as a stand-alone unit, a USB power adapter or active USB hub can be used as a power source.


  • fixed REU, transfer length register is 1 after a transfer completes.
  • fixed REU 512K wrap around.
  • fixed cache controller preventing corruption when accessing 0x1FFFF0000 – 0x1FFFFFFFF
  • faster SDRAM controller. More memory bandwidth for turbo.
  • added slowdown modes to the Turbo settings. Offering CPU speeds of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%.
  • added native updater program (see manual) to update the fpga core without an usb connection.
  • make menu item active when pressing a hotkey, so it is selected when going back to the respective menu.
  • correctly mute/unmute second sid in menu freezer.
  • clockport- and rr-net- items in options menu are correctly disabled if either is not available.
  • if found, load and run update.prg from sd card (chameleon updater)
  • if “boot from sd card” is enabled, load boot.prg from sd card (regular c64 boot program)
  • improved navigation in one panel mode, cursor right enters subdir/image and cursor left goes one level up.
  • improved quickfind, just type a filename quickly to jump to it.
  • mount menu is skipped if there would only be one active item.
  • when returning to the menu from the sid player by pressing left/menu button it will go directly to the filebrowser.
  • added gfx viewer for various multi-color and hires formats.(see manual)
  • added wav player (see manual)
  • added filecopy (F5 in two panel mode, see manual)
  • set $030c-$030e to 0 before starting prgs, increases compatibility with certain packers.
  • .sid files which actually contain a basic program can now be run correctly.
  • re-read destination panel after copying image.

Download: Chameleon Beta-7b release (1810)

source: beta.icomp.de

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