Commodore 1084S-D2 (Black CDTV Edition)

First of all i have to thank Ralf Schmitz for this gift. (Grazie Ralf).
The Commodore 1084S-D2, which was originally developed for the Commodore CDTV is a very good colour monitor also for the Commodore 64.
With its many ports it can be used for connecting anything you want (S-Video / RGB / Composite)
The Commodore 1084S-D2 has a good, sharp picture with luscious colours and a also a nice Stereo Sound. All the important settings can be changed over regulators at the front or the back.
For testing i have used the U64 by Gideon with the RGB output.
Categories: Commodore Monitors, Gallery, Retro Computers and other stuff...
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