Sorry for all the downtime yesterday!
We had a few problems yesterday with the firewall which has caused a bit of site downtime. We’re very sorry now the problem was fixed.
We had a few problems yesterday with the firewall which has caused a bit of site downtime. We’re very sorry now the problem was fixed.
Forth, the Language.
Forth is a different language. It’s aged and a little weird.
What’s cool about it? It’s a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. At the same time, it easily scales to become a very high-level and domain-specific language, much like Lisp. Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way.
It is a lot more fast, memory effective and powerful. Compared to C, specifically cc65, the story is a little different. It’s hard to make a fair comparison. Theoretically Forth code can be very memory efficient, and it’s possible to make Forth code that is leaner than C code. But it is also true that cc65 code is generally much faster than Forth code.
Download: durexForth v1.5.2 + Manual (990)
Forth, the Language.
Forth is a different language. It’s aged and a little weird.
What’s cool about it? It’s a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. At the same time, it easily scales to become a very high-level and domain-specific language, much like Lisp. Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way.
It is a lot more fast, memory effective and powerful. Compared to C, specifically cc65, the story is a little different. It’s hard to make a fair comparison. Theoretically Forth code can be very memory efficient, and it’s possible to make Forth code that is leaner than C code. But it is also true that cc65 code is generally much faster than Forth code.
Download: durexForth v1.5.1 + Manual (946)
Jungle King Coin-op – Taito Original – Insert Coins Workaround-Fix
The HxC Floppy Drive Emulator is a software and hardware system created by jfdn aka Jeff.
The aim of this project is to replace the floppy disk drive by an electronic device emulating the floppy disk drive (list of supported Computer/Hardware).
There are two differents emulators:
Release notes for the HxCFloppyEmulator software v2.1.4.0:
Forth, the Language.
Forth is a different language. It’s aged and a little weird.
What’s cool about it? It’s a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. At the same time, it easily scales to become a very high-level and domain-specific language, much like Lisp. Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way.
It is a lot more fast, memory effective and powerful. Compared to C, specifically cc65, the story is a little different. It’s hard to make a fair comparison. Theoretically Forth code can be very memory efficient, and it’s possible to make Forth code that is leaner than C code. But it is also true that cc65 code is generally much faster than Forth code.
Download: durexForth v1.5.0 + Manual (948)
In the Commodore Pets and CBMs, ROM expansion area is available in empty sockets on the main logic board. These sockets are addressed as 4K byte blocks and are used by many of the software packages available for Pet and CBM!.
These include the Commodore Word Processors, the BPI business package, VISICALC from Personal Software, Inc., Rabbit from Eastern House Software, BASIC Programmers TOOLKIT from Palo Alto ICs, Sort from Matric Software, Inc., and many others.
Several of these ROMs are to be installed in the same ROM socket within the Pet. Spacemaker II is a utility device which allows switching of up to four ROMs into any socket from a single board. Since Spacemaker II is jumper programmable for each of its four ROM sockets.
ROM type may be different for each socket. Switching can be done with a side mounted switch or via ROM DRIVER, an accessory device which allows software and keyboard control of ROM selection.
Spacemaker II is also available for changing character sets with Math or Foreign language ROMs available from West River Electronics.
Download: MicroTech - SpaceMaker II Manual (1086)
Batch of repairs in one week (report):
The problem is quite simple to find. You have to make some measurements on the LF347 (Op AMP) with the computer running and without sound.
You have to measuring pin 1 and pin 7 and should have a voltage of about 2.5V if the voltage as in my case is of 11.30v and 11.37v. Something is not working.
After replacing the LF347 with a LM324 or better a TL084 the right voltages are back and the sound works again.
Gallery of the repair:
After a couple of days, i have realized that the Amiga 600 still had some problems with the sound, although subtle but annoying and after a few measurements i have concluded that the LM324 is not fully compatible and cannot replace the LF324 (at least on the Amiga 600/1200).
After removing the LM324 and replaced with a TL084 everything has started to work much better than before.
This is the latest version of C64c and was cost reduced even more.
Instead of a metal plate on the top there is the logo only engarved in plastic case itself.
The keyboard has been held on the upper housing part with brackets (not with screws as normal). In addition, the housing itself was only held together with clamps.
I have done an accurate cleaning of the leaked battery acid on the mainboard.
I have also replaced the GARY socket destroyed by battery acid and rebuild a pcb track with a wire.
Gallery of the repair:
The problem of the green screen of death is usually due to a problem of DRAM,FAT AGNUS (chip or socket), GARY.
In this case all four DRAMs are failed. The pin 18 (IO/3) was always at high level.
Replacing DRAM everything has started to work properly.
Gallery of the repair:
We begin to explain what is this PHA-2037. This interface/Converter for the Home Computer Texas Instruments TI-99/4a is used to convert the video signals from Component (Y/Pb/Pr) to RGB (Scart Standard).
The defect of the PHA-2037 that i have received for repairing is to display images without the “BLUE” color in this case of the Video Component “Pb”.
The problem was in one of the three LM 318 (Op Amp). Just replaced, the PHA-2037 has begun to work properly.
PS: How you can see from a photo a pin of a transistor has not been cut. Maybe it was better to do it. :D
Gallery of the repair:
Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
Download: All Games in One Archive (3601)
The High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) is a freeware hobby project which organises Commodore 64 music (also known as SID music) into an archive for both musicians and fans alike.
The work on the collection is done completely in the Team and contributors’ spare time and is proudly one of the largest and most accurate computer music collections known.
This update features (all approximates):
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