Asem AM 100 (Apple // Plus Clone made in Italy)

The Home Computer Asem AM 100 is a clone of the Apple II+ (Apple // Plus). This computer was manufactured and assembled by ASEM S.p.A. Artegna (UD) / Italy.
The AM 100 is fully compatible with all the software available for the Apple II and II+. I have personally tested many programs and i’ve never found problems of compatibility.
Unfortunately this computer is arrived faulty, the repair was more simple than i expected, thanks to the IC sockets located on the computer motherboard.
Works that have been made:
- Replacing IC 74LS161 which shows a vertical band on the screen.
- Removing RIFA filter capacitor located inside the PSU.
- Regeneration of the Keyboard PAD. Some keys did not work properly. The Keyboard PAD have been regenerated using a suitable product that can be found for sale on eBay. Try: KEYPAD FIX
- General cleaning of the case outside/inside, monitor and keyboard.
- EPROM dump.
All these works are documented with photos that you can find below.
Gallery repairs:
Under the cover gallery:
Final photos:
Interesting discovery:
Inside the Floppy Drive reader (Apple clone) i have found the same mechanics (Mistumi / Newtronics) of the Commodore Floppy Drive 1541. See the first three pictures of the gallery: Under the cover.
Download: ASEM AM 100 full Eprom Dump (1286)
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