Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Let’s Invade Preview
- Holy Camels
- Akalabeth – World of Doom +4
- Phase Out V1.4 +4D
- Lawless Legends Preview
- Psycastria +4D
- Multi-Player Soccer Manager +MD
- The Cursed Key +2D
- Molar Madness Preview 2 – ISE
- Pentagram V1.20
- Bodily Fluids
- Fantasy +D
- War 70 +MD
- The Sea Voyagers &D
- International Karaoke + Contribution Beta 1
- Ancient Legends Preview +D
- Firequest +6DGF
- Waffles +3TD [english+german]
- Rubicon
- Rhythm Master +DG
- Infernum +1DT
- Awakening +1FDW
- Carrier-Bourne Fighter Simulation &D
- Jungle Drums +6HD
- Sally’s Garden Preview +5
- Sally’s Garden Preview +2
- Demons of Dex
- Hit and Run Baseball +D
- The Lost Vikings Mockup
Download: All Games in One Archive (4167)
source: csdb.dk

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Kill the Alien
- Super Breakout Preview +
- Breakaway V1.1
- Hover Raider RX +2H [seuck]
- Paintress +2
- Yatzy
- Planet Golf Preview +1D
- Space Invadaz Extra Preview
- C64ColQuiz +1H
- F-Clash 64 [seuck]
- C64ColQuiz
- Blaster Twins Preview
- Die! Alien Slime +8D
- Kill the Alien +2
- Uni Games Preview V0.24
- Zetio +1DT
- Fort Django +
- Fort Django
- Iron Lord [1581,FD,HD]
- Spaceman Splorf: Planet of Doom V1.1 +2MD
- Retro Bombers Preview 1
- Color Overload
- Super JumpKick Turbo 64 (Beta)
- The Uni Games V0.3
- The Uni Games Preview V3 (CommVEx release)
- Agent-Test +2T
- Gradius +2DMFGH
- Nemesis – The Final Challenge +2DMFGH
- Croll Ship +4D
- Ghost Chaser +5D
- World Conquest
Download: All Games in One Archive (3618)
source: csdb.dk

The High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) is a freeware hobby project which organises Commodore 64 music (also known as SID music) into an archive for both musicians and fans alike.
The work on the collection is done completely in the Team and contributors’ spare time and is proudly one of the largest and most accurate computer music collections known.
This update features (all approximates):
- 1022 new SIDs
- 811 fixed/better rips
- 24 repeats/bad rips eliminated
- 791 SID credit fixes
- 143 SID model/clock infos
- 59 tunes from /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/ identified
- 1 tunes from /GAMES/ identified
- 70 tunes moved out of /DEMOS/ to their composers’ directories
- 4 tunes moved out of /GAMES/ to their composers’ directories
source: www.hvsc.c64.org

This is the official demo party results from Gubbdata 2016 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB GUBBDATA 2016 section for more informations.
C64 Demo:
- 1 – Nothing but PETSCII by Genesis Project
- 2 – Classics by Booze Design
- 3 – Monochrome by Triad
C64 Music:
- 1 – Nothing Compares 2 EU by Fegolhuzz
- 2 – Ruins by X-jammer
- 3 – 2 Days by Magnar Harestad
C64 Graphics:
- 1 – Cock Picture by ilesj
- 2 – Korvsatan by Razorback
- 3 – Elsewhere by Mermaid
C64 Mixed Graphics:
- 1 – Glad Gubbe by Genesis Project, Vision
- 2 – Duelling Invaders by Genesis Project
- 3 – Green Falcon by PVM
Download: Gubbdata 2016 Party stuff (1061)
source: gubbdata.se

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- QWAK 1.2 +4H
- QWAK 1.2 16K Compo Final
- QWAK 16K V1.2 +4HF
- Evil Garden +4D
- Scout +5DGH
- Ghosts’n Goblins Arcade / Commando Arcade SE / Bruce Lee II [easyflash] [bugfixed]
- Munch Load +M
- Zorro in Wonderland 2 Preview
- Color Code
- Sea Slug +3D
- Honey Bee [real sales version] +6D
- Challenge of the Gobots on the Moebius Strip +5DGH
- Deja Vu & Uninvited +1DW [easyflash]
- Excalibur +
- Ocean Ranger [1581,FD,HD]
- Mission Odessa +2DTS
- Excalibur
- The Curse of Sherwood +26D
- V.I.O.S. (Special Edition 2011) +2 [seuck]
- Estados of Brasil
- States of Brazil
- Kabura
- Gunslinger [1581,FD,HD]
- Valhalla +3DMS
- Tycoon Tex Preview +2
- Dorks Dilemma Preview +2
- Kabura +2T
- The Crown of Ariiance
- Breakaway
- Super Jumpkick Preview
Download: All Games in One Archive (3719)
source: csdb.dk

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Split Second [seuck]
- Matador ’16 [seuck]
- The Uni-Games Preview
- Super Monaco GP +6DG
- QuarxProbe
- Voidrunner +4DH
- Space-Games +
- Oligofrenico +2T
- Rock Star Ate My Hamster +2DG
- R.I.O.T. Preview +
- Knightshift Preview
- Polar Pierre +2D
- Toddlerplane Preview
- Slavia 2
- TasWord 64 [dutch]
- Pickle’s Pod Patrol +7H
- Icicle Race +2M
- Platman +7H
- Granny’s Garden &DGIS
- Xenophobe +3DFR
- Donald Duck’s Playground [dutch]
- Psytron [dutch]
- Shotgun +
- Shotgun
- Pentagram
- You Go Squish Now! 003 – Barney the Dinosaur
- The Happiest Days of Your Life +3DM &Map
- KGB Agent +4DH
- Workman +5H
- Here & There with the Mr. Men &D
- Nightshade +3DFH
- QWAK +3
- Warp Drive +3
- Pentagram V1.10
- Ski or Die [1581]
- Scare Bear +4DGH
Download: All Games in One Archive (3715)
source: csdb.dk
Scene World is a C64 magazine on disk dedicated to various activities of both C64 scenes.
“Both” means, that we are supplying information and texts of both scenes; NTSC and PAL.
Download: Scene World #26 (1150)
source: sceneworld.org

This is a program that can playback .SID files found in the HVSC collection on a real Commodore 64/128.
You will find different versions of SP64 in this package, most of themwill work on all devices. But I suggest you use the correct version for for your device, since they might contain special commands.
Versions of the program:
- sidplay64-reu-1541u2cmd.prg – 1541 Ultimate II version with REU.
- sidplay64-reu-sd2iec.prg – SD2IEC version with REU.
- sidplay64-reu-1541u-netdrive.prg – 1541 Ultimate & Netdrive with REU.
- sidplay64-reu-iec-cmd-ide64.prg – CMD drives, IDE64 devices & other IEC devices, with REU.
- sidplay64-reu-normal.prg – REU version for 1541, 1571, 1581 and clones of these.
- sidplay64-1541u2cmd – 1541 Ultimate II version.
- sidplay64-normal.prg – Standard version for 1541, 1571, 1581 and clones.
- sidplay64-1541u-netdrive.prg – 1541 Ultimate & Netdrive.
- sidplay64-iec-cmd-ide64.prg- CMD drives, IDE64 devices & other IEC devices.
- sidplay64-sd2iec.prg – SD2IEC.
(The 1541U2 software iec mode has been disabled for this build.)
Changelog SIDPLAY 64 v1.10 (17/04/2016):
- Added: IEC/CMD/IDE64: ClrHome key loads more filenames while reading directory.
- Added: IEC/CMD/IDE64: Joystick RIGHT loads more filenames while reading directory.
- Behaviour: BASIC sid’s that stops on its own can be exited by pressing CBM.
- Added: Songs with BASIC start support.
- Added: REU: Remembers previous dir positions when you go back.
- Added: REU: File size are displayed in kilobytes. (Not for 1541u2)
- Behaviour: Restore : resets variables and reloads dir.
- Behaviour: RunStop+Restore : exit BASIC sid’s or sid’s using $0000 as play call.
- Fixed: 1541U2: shortened dir read routine.
- Fixed: One of the color skins used dark grey for border.
Download: SIDPlay 64 (SP64) v1.10 (1153)
source: sourceforge.net

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Speeding on the A 81 +7
- Speeding on the A 81 + Bonus
- Slime Deluxe +3
- Lazarian +3DGH
- Fire-Drill +H
- Pirati +2DT
- Petaco´5
- Mini-Penetrator +3HT
- Sheepoid – Frozen in Time +4DF
- Sheepoid – Frozen in Time
- Slider Session
- Kill the Bit
- Frogger II – Three Deep +4D
- Castle of Life +3DT
- West +2DT
- It’s Magic 2 +4PI
- Movement Basic
- Shockway Rider +6DGH
- Pothole Percy +3D
- Buttonpress
- Chopper Hunt +3
- Heathcliff +DGMF
- Ring on a String [16kb cartridge]
- Slime Deluxe [16kb cartridge]
- T.H.E.A. [16kb cartridge]
- Alienator [16kb cartridge]
- Vortex Crystals [16kb cartridge]
- Pickle’s Pod Patrol [16kb cartridge]
- Icicle Race [16kb cartridge]
- Platman [16kb cartridge]
- Bug Hunt [16kb cartridge]
- QWAK [16kb cartridge]
- Blap ‘n Bash Revisited [16kb cartridge]
- Platman +4
- Pickle’s Pod Patrol +4H
- Night of the Valkyrie [seuck]
- Ring on a String
- Platman +2H
- Icicle Race +2
- QWAK +3F
- Bug Hunt +1H
- Blap ‘n Bash Revisited +5HD
- Alienator +4HF
- Vortex Crystals +9HD
- T.H.E.A. +2D
- Ring on a String +
- Alone Against the BSE9 +6T
Download: All Games in One Archive (3546)
source: csdb.dk

This is the official demo party results from Revision 2016 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB Revision 2016 section for more informations.
C64 4K Intro:
- 1 – The Best Intro Ever by Razor 1911.
Mixed Graphics:
- 6 – Vote EvilBot by Laxity.
Mixed Music:
- 4 – 8-bitburgers by Panda Design.
- 5 – A Computer in My Backpack by Lft.
- 9 – Remembrance by Genesis Project.
Mixed Demo:
- 1 – We Are Demo by Fairlight, Noice, Offence.
- 6 – Watch My Balls in Action! by Singular.
- 7 – Decrunch 2016 Invite by DreamWeb.
Download: Revision 2016 Party stuff (1019)
source: 2016.revision-party.net

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Shark +2
- Hugohunt +5D
- Slime 100%
- Slime
- Slime +
- Mystic Mansion +3DG
- JANI 2 +2 [seuck]
- JANI 2 [seuck]
- Wizard’s Doom +3D
- Hessian
- Hessian +5
- Kormi a tetőn [hungarian]
- Spaceman Splorf: Planet of Doom +2D
- Spaceman Splorf: Planet of Doom
- V2 Basic Minesweeper Clone
- Snake
- Crackers Revenge +7DGH
- Dress Up!
- Happy Blocks Basic Preview
- Captain Fizz V1 +9
- Dungeon Wizard +DT
- Stack (My Bitch) Up +
- Telengard Remastered V1.1
- Rodland +7DHI
- Beppe Kid +3DEM
- Chobin II +2DES
- Slime Deluxe
- CRX Race
- Avenger +5DG
- Dragon Hunter Preview +3
- Drugs +5HFTD
- Ylcodrom +1FTD
- Space Defence +D
- Encounter +3DIGF
Download: All Games in One Archive (3586)
source: csdb.dk

This is the official demo party results from BCC #10 (Top 3 Entries only). See also the CSDB BCC #10 section for more informations and download.
C64 Demo:
- Tangled Up by Delysid
- The Mayday Show by Mayday!
- TIS by Bonzai
C64 Music:
- Oldschool Heaven by c0zmo
- Toca Off Alone by Snabel
- Press Space, Release Power by Gaetano Chiummo
C64 Graphics:
- Der Wahrsager by Oni/Luisa
- Voyage to Pandora by Grass
- Moon by awsm
C64 Mixed:
- CRX Race (Game)
- David Bowie Collection (SIDCol)
- Stack Up (Game)
Productions released outside compos:
- Crackers Revenge +7DGH by Hokuto Force (Crack)
- Dungeon Wizard +DT 101% (Crack)
Download: BCC #10 full Party stuff (1124)
source: csdb.dk
Forth, the Language.
Forth is a different language. It’s aged and a little weird.
What’s cool about it? It’s a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. At the same time, it easily scales to become a very high-level and domain-specific language, much like Lisp. Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way.
It is a lot more fast, memory effective and powerful. Compared to C, specifically cc65, the story is a little different. It’s hard to make a fair comparison. Theoretically Forth code can be very memory efficient, and it’s possible to make Forth code that is leaner than C code. But it is also true that cc65 code is generally much faster than Forth code.
Download: durexForth v1.6.1 (D64/CRT) + Manual (972)
source: csdb.dk

Some new games or tools (Cracked / Trained or Unrealeased) for Commodore 64 have been released from your favorites groups.
- Cauldron +4DF
- Jump Ninja +3HF
- Vault Man 2 Preview +2
- Jump Ninja
- JANI +2 [seuck]
- JANI [seuck]
- Blocks +J
- Meadowbrook Nine
- Minesweeper 64
- Petscii-Poker 2016
- Flying Cobra RX +2 [seuck]
- Underland Preview
- Frogger Arcade Prv 2
- Guardian +4DGH
- Little Knight Arthur +6D
- Little Knight Arthur +6HD
- Rupert and the Toymaker’s Party +3DG
- Hideous Bill and the Gi-Gants +3D
- Crow Boy Preview &D
- Hideous Bill and the Gi-Gants +4DGH
- Chichen Itza
- Blasteroids 101% +6DGHF
- Dragonfire 101% +2DGMF
- Rock Maze (Reset Edition) +4PH 100%
- Rock Maze (Reset Edition)
- Rock Maze (Reset Edition) +4PH
- Beach Head 1a ReM V2 + Source Code
- Miner 2049′er ReM V2 + Source Code
- Castles of Dr Creep 3 ReM V2 + Source Code
- Lode Runner X ReM V2 + Source Code
- Lode Runner(s) ReM V2 + Source Code
- EF C64GS Collection 200-1 Bugfix [easyflash]
- Manic Miner ReM + Source Code
- Return of Heracles +M
- Boulder Dashes ReM + Source Code
Download: All Games in One Archive (3801)
source: csdb.dk
Forth, the Language.
Forth is a different language. It’s aged and a little weird.
What’s cool about it? It’s a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. At the same time, it easily scales to become a very high-level and domain-specific language, much like Lisp. Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way.
It is a lot more fast, memory effective and powerful. Compared to C, specifically cc65, the story is a little different. It’s hard to make a fair comparison. Theoretically Forth code can be very memory efficient, and it’s possible to make Forth code that is leaner than C code. But it is also true that cc65 code is generally much faster than Forth code.
Download: durexForth v1.6.0 (D64/CRT) + Manual (953)
source: csdb.dk
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