Manosoft the author of the famous interface C64SD in these days is selling a replacement part for our Commodore 64 (first model) and SX64, we are talking about the PLA chip (906114-01), the component for excellence of failure of many Commodore 64.
The chip PLA (906114-01) is no longer sold as spare part, but the file for build a ‘homebrew’ PLA clone is available online. The Manosoft PLA is designed specifically to meet all people.
I and Manosoft after a careful reading of C64 forums we concluded that we must utilize a 27C512 PROM 90ns from ST (instead of an EPROM). This means you get a good compatibility (like 99%) with all Software and Hardware available for the Commodore 64.
Wood, the Portuguese developer who ported the Speccie game ‘Uwol: Quest for Money’ to the C64 is almost done with his conversion of the rather obscure title, Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle.
In this game you control Nanako, the game consists of 25 levels, you have to climb one level to another level in the castle and offcourse, there are some baddies.
Let me spare you the details of the background story, but Nanako … looks like a very original platform game.
DualSID is a device which allows you to plug in two different SID models to your Commodore 64. You can set the second SID‘s address to five different memory locations.
Both SIDs can be set to the same memory area which enables stereo sound to your favourite games. DualSID is compatible with most stereo SID software and demos.
- Second SID can be either 8580 or 6581 with any C64 board assembly.
- Second SID address is selectable from: $D400, $D420, $D500, $DE00, $DF00
- Small PCB, only 40mm x 50mm
- Game compatibility.
For more information and price visit the Tomi Malinen homepage
source: dual sid homepage
ZTerm64 is a color graphics terminal for Commodore 64.
ZTerm 64 Features:
- FAST! ZTerm64 is written in 100% Assembly Language Approx 40 blocks long
- Swiftlink/Turbo232/Link232 Support. Auto detects presence of one of these cartridges and selects the proper serial driver. If no cartridge is detected it uses the stock userport function up to 2400 baud.
- CCGMS Clone I made it look and work very similar to the CCGMS terminal program which is probably one of the most popular terminal programs ever for the C64
- Punter / Multi-Punter transfer protocols. Yes, these will work across a TCP/IP Connection.
- XModem / YModem coming soon
- Source Code is available. It is in 64TASS cross assembler format.
Saimo (Simone Bevilacqua) has updated his game Quod Init Exit, which is Latin for “whatever gets in, gets out”.
In the game you are a little pig, and you need to eat all the food you can find. The game has excellent HIRES graphics and is fun to play.
- Fixed the flicker of some pixels, which was visible only on real machines and accurate emulators.
- Added level part to score shown in in-game screen (courtesy of Endurion’s feedback Wink)
- Compressed the program for faster loading.
- Made various other minor changes.
A new update of the NUFLI Editor is out.
With this editor (PAL/NTSC) you can edit NUFLI (static) image directly with your Commodore 64.
Dreams #5 is a Commodore 64 Graphics Collection by Raiders Of the Lost Empire (Role).
Click here for the previous collections.
It is finally out! With this editor (PAL/NTSC) you can edit NUFLI (static) image directly with your Commodore 64.
This is the last notice for the Ultimate 1541 version 2.
from 1541 Ultimate homepage:
- It is now possible to order accessories for the 1541U-II. This is possible through the “Order Status” page. In case your unit has already been shipped, please create another order of 0 (zero) 1541U-II units, and add the accessories to that order.
- Tape connector boards have been ordered. Expect 150 of them in about 2 weeks. One board clicks under the 1541-II case; the other holds the 2×6 pin tape connector and tape feed-through. The two boards connect to each other using a standard 10-pin flat cable. The part that clicks under the 1541-II case can also be used to power the cartridge for stand-alone mode (requires software update). I am planning to ship the tape connector boards as build-it-yourself kits to keep it cheap. Assembly possible for a small extra fee.
- If you paid after June 1, you will need to wait until the new production batch is finished. You will receive an E-mail about this soon! (Refund possible..)
Read more…
Title: SX64ual Healing
A Fucking awesome C64 Multicolor picture by Archmage.
USB-64 – Turning Commodore 64 into a USB host for Mass Storage Drives.
The prototype uses two devices:
- A cartridge to provide software and commands to operate the USB device.
- A user-port device that interfaces with the USB stick.
With the proto-type it is possible to transfer files at 1.2 kB/s (serial) or 9.5 kB/s parallel.
This demo is really good. The song is probably one of the best i have ever heard in my life.
Onslaught / Wrath Designs / Vandalism, bring you the 53th issue of the Vandalism News.

CBM-Command is a disk manager for the Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16 computers. It is written like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander, but is much simpler due to the target platforms. Both the C128/C64/VIC20/C16 have their own native version of the application.
Release Notes – Version 1.7 Release Candidate – 2010-08-19
New Features:
- Realtime statistics on file copy and disk image operations.
- Fixed bug where disconnecting the drive set as default for the left panel would cause CBM-Command to freeze.
- Fixed bug where using a long name for a created D64 would cause CBM-Command to always treat the drive as a 1581.
- Fixed bug where the name input dialog for creating a D64 had junk in it.
- Other bug fixes that I cannot remember right now.
Contiki is a small, open source, highly portable, multitasking computer operating system developed for use on a number of memory-constrained networked systems ranging from 8-bit computers to embedded systems on microcontrollers, including sensor network motes.
The name Contiki comes from Thor Heyerdahl’s famous Kon-Tiki raft.
The Contiki 2.x contains only very little assembler coding and even less target-specific assembler coding. This allowed for easy porting to targets beside the C64 namely the C128 and Apple II. Porting to other cc65 targets wasn’t done due to missing Ethernet hardware.
Contiki 2.4 is the first 2.x release to contain the following programs:
- Dhcp client.
- Web server.
- Web browser.
- Wget.
- Smtp client.
- IRC client.
- Twitter client.
Beside lots of other improvement especially the following issues were fixed:
- Malfunctioning DNS lookup.
- Missing PETSCII conversion for the smtp credentials.
- Incorrect fixing of all disk I/O to drive 8.
source: wikipedia
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