from Engadget homepage:
Commodore USA announces the PC64, an Atom-powered PC in a replica Commodore case.
We have a fondness for Commodore computers (as you’ve probably noticed by now) and we are psyched that Commodore USA is still flying the flag for the once-ubiquitous brand, but as they always are in this biz, things are a little… complicated.
We were first contacted way back in March when the company shared the news that it had acquired the rights to sell PCs under the name. Then what happened? Turns out this was not exactly the case… although CEO Barry Altman assured us that they were on their way towards hammering out a deal.
And here we are, in possession of a press release saying that indeed, Commodore USA, LLC, and Commodore Licensing B.V. have finally come to an agreement, meaning that your subsequent purchases will at least come with a Commodore decal. But that ain’t all! This also paves the way for the company’s newest offering, the Commodore PC64, an Intel Atom-powered PC featuring 4GB DDR3 memory, SATA 1TB HDD, HDMI output, optical drive (either DVD/CD or optional Blu-ray), and more — all in “an exact replica” of the original beige C64 chassis. …more
Snake Oil Software presents Snake on a Plane for Commodore 64. It’s inspired by a fake game cover for an Atari 2600 game based on the film Snakes on a Plane.

CBM-Command is a disk manager for the Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16 computers. It is written like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander, but is much simpler due to the target platforms. Both the C128/C64/VIC20/C16 have their own native version of the application.
Release Notes – 2010-07-27 – Version 1.6
New Features:
- (All) Fixed major bug causing directory corruption when using the select all hot key to initiate file copy operations.
- (All) New progress bar that updates more frequently and is more meaningful to view.
Known Issues:
- Screen corruption when viewing a drive with no disk in it.

CBM-Command is a disk manager for the Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16 computers. It is written like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander, but is much simpler due to the target platforms. Both the C128/C64/VIC20/C16 have their own native version of the application.
This version encompases many enhancements and improvements of existing functionality, as well as inclusion of new target platforms (VIC 20, Plus 4) and features (D81 support, Configuration Color Picker).
Release Notes – 2010-07-21 – Version 1.5
New Features:
- (ALL) New color picker for the configuration program.
- (64, 128, PLUS 4) 1581 Disk Image (D81) Support.
- Added support for Commodore Plus 4 computer.
- 32K Expanded VIC-20 now supported.
- (ALL) Removed CTRL key from hot keys that previously required it. Hot keys the use the C= key still require it.
- (ALL) If you have 1 or more files selected (highlighted) and choose delete, all selected files will be deleted. If you do not have any files selected (highlighted) then only the file that the selector is pointing to will be deleted.
- (ALL) When you rename a file the textbox is pre-populated with the name of the old file.
- (VIC 20, Plus 4) Configuration files are enabled and working correctly.
- (ALL) Changed the UI for file transfers to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the copy operation.
- (64, 128, Plus 4) Changed the UI for disk image creation/writing to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the image operation.
- (VIC20) Refactored many of the screens to better fit the 22×23 layout.
- (VIC20) Filename shortening removed and the file type moved to the left of the directory display.
- (PLUS4) Created color scheme to match the environment.
- (VIC20) Panels are not displayed side by side, only one panel is displayed at a time.
- (VIC20) D64 support is removed, the RAM was needed elsewhere.
- (ALL) The screen has been made more scalable.
Known Issues:

CBM-Command is a disk manager for the Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16 computers. It is written like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander, but is much simpler due to the target platforms. Both the C128/C64/VIC20/C16 have their own native version of the application.
Release Notes – 2010-07-13 – Version 1.0.3/1.0.4
New Features:
- (ALL) New color picker for the configuration program
- (64, 128, PLUS 4) 1581 Disk Image (D81) Support
- (ALL) Removed CTRL key from hot keys that previously required it. Hot keys the use the C= key still require it.
- (ALL) If you have 1 or more files selected (highlighted) and choose delete, all selected files will be deleted. If you do not have any files selected (highlighted) then only the file that the selector is pointing to will be deleted.
- (ALL) When you rename a file the textbox is pre-populated with the name of the old file.
- (VIC 20, Plus 4) Configuration files are enabled and working correctly
- (ALL) Changed the UI for file transfers to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the copy operation.
- (64, 128, Plus 4) Changed the UI for disk image creation/writing to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the image operation.
Known Issues:
- (VIC 20) Many of the keyboard shortcuts on the left side of the keyboard do not work under VICE. After speaking with members of the VICE team they are pretty sure this is a problem in the GETIN kernel routine which is used by cc65. I would greatly appreciate it if someone with a real VIC can verify that the keys do not work on real hardware before I bring the problem up in the cc65 forums.
- (Plus 4) Viewing a text file crashes the program.
This is the last notice for the Ultimate 1541 version 2.
from 1541 Ultimate homepage:
- 184 Ultimate-II units shipped.
- The last few (5) will be shipped out tomorrow….
- If you paid after June 1, you will need to wait until the new production batch is finished. (Refund possible..)
- New production startup in progress!
- Unprocessed payments will be processed before the end of the week (week 27). Please hold your payments until further notice!
- Question of redistributing the Free Xilinx tools within a virtual machine is under review by the legal department of Xilinx. If they approve, I can provide the planned virtual machine; if not, I will need to write instructions on how you can instal the tools separately.
- Last firmware version: 2.0RC4. Downloadable update available by end of week 28.

CBM-Command is a disk manager for the Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16 computers. It is written like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander, but is much simpler due to the target platforms. Both the C128/C64/VIC20/C16 have their own native version of the application.
Release Notes – 2010-07-09 – Version 1.0.1/1.0.2
New Features:
- Added support for Commodore Plus 4 computer.
- 32K Expanded VIC-20 now supported.
- (VIC20) Refactored many of the screens to better fit the 22×23 layout.
- (VIC20) Filename shortening removed and the file type moved to the left of the directory display.
- (PLUS4) Created color scheme to match the environment.
- (VIC20) Panels are not displayed side by side, only one panel is displayed at a time.
- (VIC20) D64 support is removed, the RAM was needed elsewhere.
- (ALL) The screen has been made more scalable.
Known Issues:
- (VIC20) Many of the keyboard shortcuts on the left side of the keyboard do not work under VICE. After speaking with members of the VICE team they are pretty sure this is a problem in the GETIN kernel routine which is used by cc65. I would greatly appreciate it if someone with a real VIC can verify that the keys do not work on real hardware before I bring the problem up in the cc65 forums.
- (VIC20) I still haven’t figured out why saving the configuration doesn’t work. :(
- (VIC20) CTRL-D and CTRL-E don’t work.
- (VIC20) The launcher doesn’t yet know about the VIC, so it loads the wrong version of CBM-Command.
- (VIC20) The configuration tool cannot save.
New 8 Bit Software – Scavenger, Penultimate Fantasy and DungeonExplorer for Commodore 64.
After this update, the collection should contain 37,714 SID files!
Thanks to all the people who have helped to make HVSC the collection that it is today, without your help it would be a much tougher task.
This update features (all approximates):
- 1045 new SIDs.
- 897 fixed/better rips.
- 20 PlaySID/Sidplay1 specific SIDs eliminated.
- 133 repeats/bad rips eliminated.
- 1076 SID credit fixes.
- 81 SID model/clock infos.
- 23 tunes from /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/ identified.
- 10 tunes from /GAMES/ identified.
- 81 tunes moved out of /DEMOS/ to their composers’ directories.
- 11 tunes moved out of /GAMES/ to their composers’ directories.
For a new review see the italian version of this article.
from C64Scene Homepage: This project is interesting not only because it’s another mass-storage solution but because it combines already existing solutions to a new and fresh product. Damiano has always followed all the Commdore related websites and forums especially concerning the MMC and SD2IEC projects.
That’s when he got the idea to build a solution for which one doesn’t need soldering, wire cutting or the IEC cable. C64SD utilizes the Datasette connector to power the SD2IEC circuit. An IEC connector connects right into the IEC port.
The whole module stand vertical along the back of the C64 (or VIC20). The module is fitted with two rather large buttons, one reset and one diskswap/multi-function button.
SD-CARD Tested:
source: c64wiki sd2iec c64wiki sd2iec firmware
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.
from 1541 Ultimate homepage:
Finally, the software for the 1541 Ultimate II is finished. In the last two weeks, an enormous amount of work has been done:
- USB is now working stable, including insertion and removal. (My external 500 GB harddisk was detected flawlessly!)
- Support for USB devices with multiple LUNs (like card readers)
- GCR (G64) supported added, including write (the Ultimate-I couldn’t do this)
- T64 file support re-integrated.
- Tape support, using TAP files (I needed to test the hardware anyway!)
- Comprehensible menus.
- Real time clock functional (still need a clock widget…)
- I made a wooden mould, to simplify closing the plastic cases without damaging them.
The plan is, to ship the first 40~50 units this coming Wednesday! The remaining units will follow as soon as possible! Thank you for your patience!
CBM-Command is a disk manager for the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128 computers.
It is written like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander, but is much simpler due to the target platforms.
Both the C128 and C64 have their own native version of the application.
Release Notes – 2010-05-26 – Version 1.0
New Features:
- Simple text file viewer. Now when you use SHIFT-RETURN to open a file, it will ask if you want to view it as text. If you say yes it will present the file in the simple text viewer. If you say no it will launch as normal. If you have selected a SEQ file then it will open straight into the viewer upon hitting SHIFT-RETURN.
- Help File.
- Fixed bug where you could move to an unopened panel.
- Fixed bug where you could not abort a rename by leaving the name blank and hitting return.
- Reworked how the panels are displayed to allow more characters of names to be displayed in 40 columns.
This program can be used to transfer games/utility from a datassette to a disk drive.
Spectacular Copy features:
- Transfer Turbo-tape programs from datassette to disk drive.
- Auto transfer mode.
- Rename file name.
- Device number configuration.
- Load error detection.
- File size maximum is 230 blocks.
YM-64 is a program to play so-called ym files on the Commodore 64. Ym files have the extension “.ym” and usually contain music written for the Atari ST, the Amstrad/Schneider CPC, or the Sinclair ZX spectrum.
With YM-64 it is possible to play this music also on Commodore 64 computers.
source: norbert’s homepage
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