Co.r.El Computers Plotter Watanabe Interface for CBM (PET)
August 6th, 2014
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Thanks to Paolo Pascolo and Carlo Pascolo (founder of Co.r.el) i have received more information about this interface.
This interface was designed and distributed by Co.r.el in Italy and assembled by Asem or Computer Control, two Italian companies.
This is a small article of an old Italian magazine (MCmicrocomputer) where they speak of what are sold under the name Co.r.el (see picture)
This interface is a converter from IEEE-488 Bus to RS-232 to be use with the Watanabe plotter, the data are send via a device number from the Commodore PET (CBM).
Categories: Co.r.el Computers, Gallery, Retro Computers and other stuff...
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