from ArduinoNut Blog:
A little vulgar I know, but it’s an adequate expression of how I’m feeling right now. The SD2IEC is working beautifully.
Up to this point it was suffering from some syndrome resulting in erratic behaviour at best to a more normal position of outright refusal to work. I could make things work sometimes by shimmying wires around, so this seemed to be the obvious first move.
I stripped all the long wires away and remade the connections. It’s often easier to see where a wire should be routed second time around…
Loriano’s 1541 Ultimate Case:
Click here to see the final pictures of the new add-on for cartridge mode operation of the 1541 Ultimate Case. For order please email Loriano directly.
As announced at the C4 EXPO, I am working with Mark Fellows (Highland IT Solutions) to finalize a licensing agreement for ‘JiffyDOS’ ROM Overlay manufacture and distribution.
In addition to hardware ROM enhancement units, I will also offer image downloads for 1541 Ultimate, C64DTV, and emulator users, as well as an amnesty offering for unlicensed copies.
To minimize manual manufacturing processes inherent in the current EPROM-based JiffyDOS offerings, my goal is to utilize the ROM-el EEPROM/FLASH solution for JiffyDOS hardware offerings.
SCA – streamed char animation – is an animation (image sequence) with the dimension of 200×160 pixels, converted into the C64 charsets (25×20 chars).
One frame includes two multicolor charsets, the whole animation uses one static video and color RAM. SCA Converter utility (application) creates this kind of animation on Windows platforms.
application screenshot:

SID Duzz it, it’s a SID Music Editor by Geir Tjelta of SHAPE.
This is a game programming competition, not a game playing competition.
The idea of this competition is to write a new game for the MiniGame compo.
C64 VGE is small graphics editor in which You can make little sized pictures beacause of using lines and small amount of pixels to draw them.
It was used to made graphics for almost 4K intro “4K Wannabe” by Black Sun and now it’s released to public, maybe it’ll be usefull for someone other than me.
There are 3 example pictures from “4K Wannabe” supplied with editor for You to grasp the concept.

DTV2Ser Trans MAC Gui v0.1 – Concept idea, UI design: Xad – Coding: Lynx This is a simple oSX GUI for dtv2sertrans from Lallafa,
it runs natively on both PPC and Intel based Macs (Universal Binary),requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later.
- Transfer C64 PRG.
- Send/Run/Send and Run.
- You can use the SYS for start your proggy.
- Debug Output Windows.
- Preferences for Enable/Disable Debug Windows and for configure the dtv2sertrans path.
- USB Hardware check.
- AutoUpdate.
Download: Dtv2SerTransMacGUI (1778)
from Engadget: Look: there are purses, and then there are purses. Well, this one is none of those things. It’s a decent looking bag to begin with, but then… well, things get really fantastic.
Jeri Ellsworth took it upon herself to cram a Nintendo-on-a-chip and a Commodore 64-on-a-chip (her own creation) into the bag, along with an LCD. Then she connected up some NES controllers, which are velcroed onto the outside of the bag. The result looks awesome, and is also actually useable.
We haven’t heard anything about these guys being offered for sale, but we’re fairly certain that the august House of Dior will probably be ringing her up any day now. Seriously: this thing is a work of art.
ULoad is a loader system I developed for my Ultima gold cracks. This is a cleaned up version of the loader I developed for Ultima 3 Gold, which is a relatively basic 2-bit timed IRQ file loader.
It also allows you to save files, although it’s limited to overwriting existing files and cannot create new files. It supports a wide range of IEC drives, of course works on both PAL and NTSC, and also supports SuperCPU and DTV2 running in turbo mode.
This game is a conversion for the Commodore C64. The original was made for the Vectrex Console in 1982.
The Commodore C64 version is written by Benson and Peiselulli of Trsistar and Red Sector Incorporated, the C00l music is made by Linus.
A small PNG to C64 multicolor bitmap converter By Mix256. Creates a C64 runnable prg file from a 320x200x4 png file.
from Homepage:
The pictures of our april C= Show are online now.
This version of the game has some changes and bug fixed.
- The time limit is MUCH shorter now
- Attacking harmless Campers results in a peppered time penalty and increasing panic.
- That time penalty for attacking the innocent is increased with each round.
- Other new/modified old panic triggers: every time somebody screams the death-scream, the panic level of the player will rise. Finding bodies will also increase the panic level, and those random splatter pics will increase it even more.
- High panic levels can lead to temporary loss of control over the player character, the higher the panic, the more often that will occur.
- Extreme panic level result in an instant heart-failure.
- Healthy prayers mode: when keeping still while carrying the cross, the panic level will slowly drop.
- Every 6th round is a bonus round: all you can kill in 3 minutes :)
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